September 5, 2024

The Future of Supermarket Promotions: In-Car Marketing

In today’s competitive retail landscape, supermarkets are constantly striving to stand out and attract customers. With more options than ever, gaining and retaining customer loyalty has become a significant challenge.

To overcome this, supermarkets are turning to multi-channel strategies that allow them to connect with customers in more ways, more often. One of the most effective and innovative channels emerging in this space is In-Car Marketing.

By reaching customers directly through their car screens, leading supermarket chains are boosting location awareness, driving more store visits, and building stronger customer relationships.

But how does it all work?

The Opportunities In-Car Marketing Brings to Supermarkets

supermarket in-car marketing

In-Car Marketing is not just another advertising channel; it’s a powerful tool that offers supermarkets a range of opportunities to connect with their customers in new and impactful ways.

4screen’s Driver Interaction Platform is the only solution that enables supermarkets to engage with drivers through their car’s infotainment systems. Now supermarkets can deliver real-time, location-based promotions that are perfectly tailored to the customer’s needs.

Our intuitive ad formats include:

  • Branded Pin for Location Awareness: With 4screen’s Branded Pin ad format, supermarkets can place their logo directly on drivers’ navigation screens, making their stores easily recognizable. This not only enhances location awareness but also expands their catchment area, allowing supermarkets to reach a larger, more relevant audience than traditional OOH billboards.
  • Sponsored In-Car Search for Discovery and Navigation: Supermarkets can rank at the top of relevant search results when drivers are actively seeking grocery stores or related services. This helps drive navigations to their locations, capturing the attention of customers when they are most likely to make a purchasing decision.
  • Detail Screen for Dynamic Promotions, Offers, and Updates: The Detail Screen allows supermarkets to showcase special offers, promotions, and important updates directly through the car screen. This format is perfect for delivering digital coupons, announcing loyalty program benefits, or promoting time-sensitive deals.

With these in-car ad formats, supermarkets can now add real-time, contextually relevant communications to their multi-channel strategy. Alongside radio, social media, print, and out-of-home advertising, leading supermarket brands are finding success through dynamic In-Car Marketing campaigns.

Supermarket In-Car Marketing Success Stories

  • Waitrose: Partnered with 4screen after Waze Ads was discontinued. A six-month In-Car Marketing campaign using Branded Pins and Sponsored In-Car Search resulted in a 41% increase in Branded Pin impressions and a 30% rise in Navigations, directly translating into more customer visits. ​

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  • Kaufland: Implemented a long-term in-car marketing campaign to promote their newly launched Kaufland Card loyalty program. This resulted in a 45% increase in Navigations, highlighting the effectiveness of engaging customers on the go​.

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  • Todis: This leading supermarket brand sought to expand their customer base by targeting car users. With a comprehensive In-Car Marketing strategy, Todis achieved a 62% rise in engagement and a Navigation rate 46% higher than the benchmark for supermarkets.

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  • Coop Alleanza 3.0: As the largest cooperative in Italy, Coop Alleanza 3.0 used Branded Pins and Sponsored In-Car Search to promote their diverse store types and seasonal offers. Their strategy resulted in an 87% increase in impressions over three months, demonstrating the power of strategic, location-based marketing in boosting brand recognition. 

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Diverse Campaigns to Engage Customers

supermarket marketing

Supermarkets are increasingly turning to In-Car Marketing to promote a variety of campaigns aimed at driving traffic to their stores and engaging with their customers in meaningful ways. Some of the most effective campaigns include:

  • Monthly Discounts and Offers: Attract drivers with exclusive monthly discounts on essential items, helping to boost sales and increase repeat visits.
  • Loyalty Programs: Promote sign-ups and engagement with your loyalty programs by offering instant rewards or special deals to drivers who are part of your program.
  • Morning Coffee Deals: Capture the morning commuter crowd by promoting coffee and breakfast deals that can be redeemed at your store.
  • Community Events and Workshops: Increase awareness of your store’s community involvement by promoting events and workshops that engage local customers and build brand loyalty.

By leveraging these campaigns through 4screen’s platform, supermarkets can create a consistent presence in the daily lives of their customers, enhancing engagement and driving more frequent visits.

Seasonal Promotions: Maximizing Peak Shopping Periods

In-Car Marketing also offers supermarkets the ability to capitalize on key shopping seasons, ensuring they remain top-of-mind during critical buying periods. Some of the most successful seasonal campaigns include:

Back to School: Promote school supplies, lunchbox deals, and back-to-school essentials. Learn more here.

supermarket in car marketing

  • Black Friday: Highlight special deals and promotions to drive traffic during the biggest shopping weekend of the year. Learn more here.

supermarket black friday marketing

  • Christmas and the Holiday Season: Engage with customers by promoting holiday-specific deals, gift ideas, and festive events. Learn more here.

supermarket christmas marketing

  • Easter Promotions: Showcase Easter-themed promotions, including holiday meals, treats, and decorations. Learn more here.

supermarket easter marketing

By integrating In-Car Marketing into their seasonal campaigns, supermarkets can maximize their visibility and sales during these peak shopping periods.

Get Your Supermarket In-Car Marketing Campaigns on the Road

In-car marketing is giving supermarkets a new, hyper-targeted way to secure business and boost loyalty, alongside traditional channels like radio, social media, print, and out-of-home advertising. Whether through regular weekly deal campaigns or seasonal promotions, in-car marketing is quickly becoming a must-have channel for all supermarkets looking to stay ahead.

So don’t be left behind as other leading brands take to the road. Put your supermarket on the map today and start connecting with drivers in a meaningful, real-time way.

To get started on your in-car marketing journey and deliver value to your customers, connect with a 4screen In-Car Marketing Advisor today.

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