June 20, 2024

Your In-Car Marketing Campaign Checklist

Discover the true potential of your in-car marketing campaign. Download your free In-Car Marketing Campaign Optimization Checklist to ensure your message resonates with on-the-go customers and drives new and repeat store visits. click here to get your free copy today:

in-car marketing checklist

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Drivers spend an average of 50 minutes per day in their cars. Imagine if your business could connect and engage with them in a safe, seamless manner. With In-Car Marketing, now you can.

And to help you make the most of this opportunity, we've created an In-Car Marketing Campaign Optimization Checklist packed with essential tips and best practices.

Follow these 7 steps for your marketing campaign’s success.

1. Craft Clear and Concise Messages

Don't sacrifice clarity for cleverness — when it comes to In-Car Marketing, simplicity is key. Drivers have limited time and attention, so your message needs to be clear and easily understood at a glance.

Best Practice:

  • Use simple language and avoid complex phrases to ensure your message resonates.
  • Focus on one primary message or call to action to avoid overwhelming the driver.

Example: Instead of saying, "Visit our store for a wide variety of products at amazing discounts," opt for, "Shop now for 50% off!" This direct approach captures attention and encourages immediate action.

2. Design Your Visuals for In-Car Displays

Visuals play a critical role in In-Car Marketing. Your ads need to be visually appealing, immediately understandable, and easy to read on smaller screens.

Best Practice:

  • Use high-contrast colors and large, readable fonts.
  • Select imagery that maximizes visual impact and clearly represents your brand and offer.

Example: See how McDonald's used their In-Car Marketing campaign to deliver one specific message with on-brand imagery and minimalist but impactful copy to get their point across. Just a cursory glance is enough to fully understand the promotion on offer.

in-car marketing campaign best practices checklist

3. Feature Timely Calls to Action

Encouraging immediate action from drivers is essential. Timely calls to action (CTAs) can significantly boost engagement and conversions.

Best Practice:

  • Incorporate urgency into your campaigns to prompt immediate action.
  • Use campaign deadlines to promote immediacy and complement the built-in car screen CTAs such as "Navigate Now" or "Let's Drive."

Example: Drive customers to take immediate action by putting a definitive limitation or end date to your promotions. ‘While supplies last,’ “Limited quantities” or 'Offer ends this week' are simple but effective ways to secure new business, as the driver is already nearby and engaged.

in-car marketing campaign

Download your free In-Car Marketing Campaign Optimization Checklist now to ensure that your campaigns are set up for success.

4. Geotarget Your Communication

Best Practice:

  • Implement geotargeting to display your ads when drivers are nearby or approaching your area.
  • Tailor offers to the optimal time of day for the highest engagement. Adjust campaigns based on local events or holidays.

Example: With 4screen, your default campaign will be based on your location and opening hours. However, you can also deliver more tailored offers to suit the scenario.

Vfb Stuttgart football club launched an exciting and innovative In-Car Marketing campaign that showcased dual team logos at the stadium on the car screen. And when a new team would play at the location, the Vfb Stuttgart logo would remain the same, but the visiting team’s logo would change—another example of the dynamic nature of 4screen technology.

5. Update Branch and Location Information

Help drivers find your location — and drive them to you at the right time — by ensuring that your details are fully up to date.

Best Practice:

  • Ensure all your branch and location details are correct and current.
  • Include up-to-date opening hours and addresses, and ensure your logo is present with a 4screen Branded Pin campaign.

Did You Know: It can take months to add or amend your business information on your customer's car screens — and sometimes, these change requests never go into effect.

However, as a special added benefit, 4screen can update your business information instantly, giving your customers the most accurate, consistent branch information.

6. Leverage Real-Time Data

Using real-time data can significantly enhance the relevance of your campaigns. Tailoring your messages based on real-time conditions can meet drivers' immediate needs effectively.

Best Practice:

  • Addressing on-the-go customers' immediate needs, such as Low Fuel, Low Battery, and Driver Fatigue prompts, can drive better results.
  • Deliver timely solutions to generate immediate engagement and response.

Example: A coffee shop could use an In-Car Recommendation prompt during long drives, suggesting a nearby branch for a rest stop.

in-car marketing checklist

7. Harness Driver Insights

Understanding driver behavior can help you customize your messaging and maximize store visits. By gathering and analyzing data on driver habits, 4screen can help you create more effective campaigns.

Best Practice:

  • Convert valuable data about drivers' habits and behavior to make sure your message fits their needs and increases the chance they visit your store.

Example: 4screen has access to a wide range of exclusive driver and automotive insights:

  • Location
  • Time of day
  • Destination
  • Car brand
  • Car type
  • Engine
  • Moments of need (low fuel/driver fatigue)

Get Your In-Car Marketing Campaign Checklist Today

By following these best practices, you can optimize your campaigns to capture the attention of drivers and convert them into loyal customers.

Many leading brands are already using In-Car Marketing to connect with their customers through this new, untapped channel. Stake your claim and create the most successful In-Car Marketing campaign possible.

Download your free In-Car Marketing Campaign Optimization Checklist today and start driving more customers to your locations.

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